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Yes, Khloé Kardashian Is Safe to Fly to Japan While 8 Months Pregnant

Khloé Kardashian is a busy lady. She's got her Good American line to run, she's got her family's reality TV show and, oh right, she's 8 months pregnant while juggling it.
When the star traveled to Japan with her sisters Kim and Kourtney Kardashian this week, she received more than a few incensed social media flack for it. Why? Because she embarked on a long flight late into her pregnancy.

In light of the comments about the safety of flying with a due date approaching soon, Kardashian chose to clear the air herself once and for all. It started with a direct response to one of the tweets asking if she could fly so late into her pregnancy.
'I’m allowed to travel according to my dr,' Kardashian tweeted Wednesday. 'Of course, before our flight, I took all precautions and got my body checked from my dr and I’m completely healthy. I wouldn’t put my baby at risk in any way.' 

Kardashian's doctor is right on the money. According to the American University of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women are generally safe to travel by plane up to 36 weeks of gestation. At 8 months, Kardashian would be 33 to 36 weeks. Furthermore, the concern over flying while pregnant has more to do with the risk of a woman's water breaking on the plane, and less to do with actual risk to the baby.
'Flying does not have any effect on the pregnancy,' Brisbane obstetrician Dr. Will Milford tells ABC. 'You're not more likely to go into labor or break your waters from flying. What airlines are worried about is a woman giving birth on the plane, the risk of which obviously increases as you get close to your due date.' 
Airlines do have different policies about how late women can fly while pregnant. American Airlines, for example, allows pregnant travelers to fly until seven days before their due date unless a doctor provides a note. United airlines requires passengers traveling in their ninth month of pregnancy to provide a medical certificate dated at least 72 hours before takeoff.
While we doubt Kardashian flew American or United (we'd guess private plane), she did take the time to address the flight safety fears of her fans while also sending out a few tweets about other things—namely, how she holds her own baby bump.
'People are very opinionated about my bump. I choose to cradle my bump because it’s MINE,' she wrote. 'I’ve waited for this VERY short moment for YEARS. I have only months to enjoy this phase in my life, so I will touch my bump and love my bump as often as I choose. Mommy loves you baby!' 

As long as she's safe, it's really nobody's business, is it?


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