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Stormy Daniels files new lawsuit against Michael Cohen and her old attorney

Stormy Daniels on Wednesday launched a new lawsuit against her former attorney, Keith Davidson, as well as President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, saying the two men "colluded" and "acted in concert" to "manipulate" Daniels and to benefit Trump.
The lawsuit, filed in the Superior Court of California, is just the latest in Daniels' continuing onslaught against Cohen, led by her Los Angeles-based lawyer, Michael Avenatti -- and all rooted in Daniels' alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. The White House has said Trump denies the alleged affair.
The lawsuit alleges that in January 2018, when Davidson was still representing Daniels, "Mr. Cohen immediately colluded with Mr. Davidson in an attempt to use and manipulate Ms. Clifford in a manner designed to benefit Mr. Cohen and Mr. Trump."
    The men sprung into action, the lawsuit alleges, when they became aware of the forthcoming publication of an "In Touch" magazine article that would detail Daniels' descriptions of her alleged affair with Trump. As a part of the efforts to deny the affair, Cohen "hatched a plan to have Ms. Clifford appear on Mr. Sean Hannity's program to falsely deny the accuracy of the In Touch article," the lawsuit says.
    Included in Wednesday's lawsuit are alleged text messages exchanged between Cohen and Davidson that appear to show communications between January 2018 and March 2018.
    "These text messages show that the prior denials by Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen relating to what Mr. Trump knew and about the honesty of my client were absolute lies," Avenatti said in a statement. "There was a significant cover-up here as part of an attempt to deceive the American people and Mrs. Trump and we intend on getting to the bottom of it."
    Dave Wedge, a spokesman for Davidson, blasted the new lawsuit.
    "This outrageously frivolous lawsuit is yet another desperate attempt by Michael Avenatti to continue his 'publicity tour,' as well as divert attention from the recent allegations against him relating to bankruptcy proceedings and the failure to withhold millions of federal employee taxes," Wedge said.
    "That said, attorney Davidson is very happy that he has filed this lawsuit because he strongly believes that the filing constitutes a full and complete waiver of the attorney-client privilege. Thankfully, the truth can now finally come out to rebut the false narrative about attorney Davidson that Mr. Avenatti has been pushing in his more than 175 television appearances and countless other media interviews. Attorney Davidson believes that the American people deserve to know the entire truth -- and they soon will. This lawsuit has made that happen."

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