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Model blinded by abusive boyfriend after friend told her to leave him

A model was blinded in one eye after he boyfriend went through her phone and found a message telling her leave him. 

She had confided in a friend about how manipulative builder Michael Goodwin controlled her life, and her friend was so worried she text her to say so. Goodwin locked the doors to his flat after finding the text, then beat her so badly she was left with facial and skull fractures as well as permanent damage to her optic nerves. 

The whole time, Michael’s two young children were in the next room. Martha only escaped when she took a selfie of her injuries and sent it to a friend, who immediately alerted her parents who told police.

**STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018** Dated: 31/05/2018 Professional model Martha Dolak, who was left blinded in one eye following a vicious assault by her abusive boyfriend Michael Goodwin, has spoken about how a selfie saved her life. Pictured with Michael at Christmas 2016 SEE STORY BY NORTH NEWS **STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018** *** Local Caption *** **STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018**

Martha said: ‘When Michael saw the message he was livid. I was terrified so I tried to get my things and go. ‘He told me I couldn’t leave and both the doors were locked. 

‘I went to the window to see if I could jump out safely – but suddenly I felt an excruciating pain and remember nothing else. ‘I woke up in bed. I knew he must have put me there but I couldn’t move. 

‘I couldn’t feel my legs and I had the most painful headache, I couldn’t lift my head up at all. ‘My eye wouldn’t open and my face felt thick with dry blood.

‘I took a selfie – I wanted to see what was wrong with me. ‘I was horrified at what I saw. I sent the picture to my friend so that she would get help. 

‘It was only afterwards that I realised he had kicked me in the head. ‘My friend told my parents straight away, and my dad, who doesn’t speak very good English, went to the police station with the text. 

‘The police went to an old address for Michael first and spoke to his sister. ‘She told the police I had fallen down the stairs, and then came to Michael’s new house to warn him they were on to him. 

“After she came they reluctantly decided to take me to the hospital. ‘I could have died if I was left without medical attention for much longer.’

**STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018** Dated: 31/05/2018 Professional model Martha Dolak, who was left blinded in one eye following a vicious assault by her abusive boyfriend Michael Goodwin, has spoken about how a selfie saved her life. Picture shows her injuries after the attack SEE STORY BY NORTH NEWS **STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018** *** Local Caption *** **STRICT ONLINE EMBARGO - NOT TO BE PUBLISHED ONLINE UNTIL FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2018**

After the attack Martha left Michael, 30, for good and took out an injunction against him. Martha, from London, who had been in the relationship for 18 months, added: ‘After the attack people would say to me “he’s an animal” – but he is not, he is a monster. 

‘I want to raise awareness and show to people that no matter how educated you are, no matter how strong you look, it can happen to anyone. ‘I never expected this to happen to someone like me, I thought because I’m smart, have a degree, am independent and see myself as a feminist that I would be able to see it happening. 

‘But domestic violence does not choose someone based on those things. ‘It’s been the most horrific experience of my life but it made me stronger. ‘I am not looking for sympathy, I just want to raise awareness of him so that other girls know what he is like. 

I have left Michael for good and I will never get into a another violent relationship ever again.’ Micheal, of Diprose Lodge, Tooting, denied charges of ABH, assault by beating, damage to property and breach of a non-molestation order along with other unrelated offences, but was convicted by a jury.

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