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As the call for R Kelly’s sponsors and distributors to drop the singer amid numerous allegations of sexual misconduct continues to grow the singer’s management has leapt to the aid of the former star. Claiming that R Kelly “supports empowered women”.

As the the ‘Women of Color’ subcommittee of the ‘Time’s Up’ movement made clear their feelings towards the continued profiting from such a prolific predator, the world is starting to rally around the not only the prosecution of Kelly but also the removal of his work.

However, R Kelly continues to ignore the growing pressure and in response to the abuse allegations, Kelly’s representative has since sent Variety a statement from the singer’s management:
“Kelly supports the pro-women goals of the Time’s Up movement. We understand criticising a famous artist is a good way to draw attention to those goals—and in this case, it is unjust and off-target. We fully support the rights of women to be empowered to make their own choices. 

Time’s Up has neglected to speak with any of the women who welcome R. Kelly’s support, and it has rushed to judgment without the facts. Soon it will become clear Mr. Kelly is the target of a greedy, conscious and malicious conspiracy to demean him, his family and the women with whom he spends his time.

“Kelly’s music is a part of American and African-American culture that should never—and will never—be silenced. Since America was born, black men and women have been lynched for having sex or for being accused of it. We will vigorously resist this attempted public lynching of a black man who has made extraordinary contributions to our culture.”

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