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If the Met Gala was Islam or Jewish-themed, all hell would break loose –Piers Morgan

I have some breaking news.
Next year's Met Gala is going to have an 'Islam' theme.
Yes, guests in 2019 will be encouraged to wear skimpy, provocative dresses that 'celebrate' the Prophet Mohammad, Islamic clothing including hijabs and burqas, and the Koran.
I can also reveal that the 2020 Met Gala will have a 'Jewish' theme.
Yes, a bunch of celebrities and models will be posing for the world's paparazzi dressed in all manner of Jewish attire and regalia, including dressing up as Rabbis and wearing kippahs.
Oh, wait.
Neither of these things is actually going to happen.
In fact, just by suggesting it, I'm sure I will be subjecting myself to immediate anger from many Muslims and Jews.

Yet apparently it's absolutely fine to have a 'Catholic' theme, as we saw at last night's Met Gala.
Christianity, it would seem, is fair game for a mocking fashion parade.
Now I'm not a big one for 'cultural appropriation' fury.
When Utah teenager Keziah Daum recently wore a Chinese style prom dress, I found the backlash that exploded against her utterly absurd given that nobody in China seemed to be remotely offended.
But there was widespread rage towards her from PC-crazed liberals across America, and it's the inconsistent and hypocritical LACK of widespread rage from PC-crazed liberals across America about last night's Met Gala that ironically makes me angry.

Why is it deemed unacceptable to wear a red Chinese dress to a prom, but acceptable to lampoon an entire religion at a celebrity gala?
This particular subject is personal to me.
I'm a Catholic.
Not the most devout you'll ever meet, I'll admit.
But I was brought up a Catholic – I even received not entirely successful spiritual guidance from nuns as a teenager! – and I still consider myself to be a Catholic.
I know many people don't believe in any God or religion, let alone Catholicism, and I respect that.
All I ask in return is for my beliefs not to be rudely disrespected.
Just as I always respect other religions even if I don't believe in what they represent.
To me, this year's Met Gala crossed a line and was openly, brazenly disrespectful.
By doing so, it confirmed itself as an organisation of rank double standards, because everyone knows they'd have never dared do it to Islam or Judaism.
Apparently – staggeringly - the Vatican gave permission for the Gala to be 'Catholic-themed' because it has already provided a variety of clothes and other items for an accompanying exhibition at the Met.
To which my response is: what the hell was the Vatican thinking?

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