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She deserves it! Wayne Rooney splurges £100,000 on luxury Dubai holiday for Coleen's 32nd birthday

He recently found himself in the proverbial doghouse.
So it's perhaps not surprising that Wayne Rooney has splashed-out on a super-sized gift for his long-suffering wife, Coleen.
The premier league ace, 32, has reportedly spent a whopping £100,000 to send the WAG on a luxury jaunt to Dunai for her birthday on 3 April.
According to reports, she'll visit the popular Madinat Jumeirah resort, which boasts a private beach and forty exclusive restaurants, with her four sons.
But Everton star Wayne will remain at home to fulfil his sporting obligations.
The generous gesture comes just weeks after the couples' marriage was rocked Wayne's drink-driving arrest.
He'd been boozing with party girl Laura Simpson and was caught red-handed at the wheel of her car.
At the time, insiders thought Coleen was going to ditch her childhood sweetheart, but the pair managed to salvage their high-profile union from the scrapheap.
Now, it seems he is eager to make amends.
A source told The Sun : “Wayne and Coleen’s relationship hit rock bottom following his drink driving arrest and it was touch and go whether the marriage would last.
“Coleen decided to stick and Wayne has really knuckled down and has been the model husband and father since then."
They added: “This is the first real opportunity Wayne has had since then to spoil Coleen and show her how much he loves her.
“She’s been to Dubai lots of times before, but Wayne is determined to ensure that this is her most memorable holiday there and has put in a lot of thought.
“He can’t be there due to his footballing commitments, but he wants to ensure she has a great time.
“He’s misbehaved previously while Coleen and the boys have been on holiday but this time he’ll be staying at home and staying out of trouble.”

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