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NBA Announcer Says Russell Westbrook Is Out Of His 'Cotton-Picking Mind'

An NBA game announcer is in hot water after saying Russell Westbrook was playing so well Thursday night ... he was "out of his cotton-picking mind."
Dude. Bad. 

We get it ... FOX Sports Oklahoma play-by-play guy Brian Davis (white dude) was trying to say Westbrook was playing on another level (he became the first player in NBA history to average a triple double 2 years in a row). 
But, when you make a cotton reference about a black guy's not usually well received. 
That's exactly what happened Wednesday night -- people are losing their minds about the comment. Some people are even suggesting Davis should be fired. 

There's been a long debate about the origin of the expression -- some people say it was used as a slur plantation owners used toward slaves. 

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