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Kanye West Is Tweeting Again

Looks like Kanye West has spent the past few hours tweeting… just like he's spent the past few days leading up to this.
And we've got a whole new set of Yeezy tweets to look at early this afternoon — including an, um, interesting choice for his potential album cover design.
It appears Yeezy is ready to forgive the plastic surgeon who operated on his mother, Donda West, just a day before her death at 53 in 2007.
The surgeon, Dr. Jan Adams, was not found responsible for Donda's death back in 2007, though "multiple post-operative factors" may have played a role in her untimely passing, and it didn't help that Adams' medical license was revoked a year and a half later (though due to unrelated alcohol-related offenses).
Nevertheless, here's Yeezy, trying to show forgiveness and make Adams an album cover (?!) in a screenshot of some text messages with an unidentified recipient (below):

He then parlayed that into a little challenge for his followers (below):

I've got a new challenge for everyone today. Pick somebody that you had an argument with that you think you hate maybe even someone you haven't spoken to in years and contact that person and tell them I love you.

…Aaaaaaand he's still pimping out that shitty new song he released, too (below):

Just another day of Kanye being Kanye!!!

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