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Kanye West Just Broke Chrissy Teigen With This Abraham Lincoln Tweet…

Kanye West seems to be overdosing on the Red Pill, and it is boggling Chrissy Teigen's mind.
She isn't the first person to see a friend walk into the bubble of right wing "alternative facts" and become immune to logic or compassion during the rise of Donald Trump, but we don't think it's happened this publicly before.
On Monday, Kanye tweeted out a bit of text convo with some new neo-conservative friend named Steve (Bannon maybe?) who informed him that Abraham Lincoln was actually *gasp* a Republican, a fact that most school children know, which only seems meaningful to the current GOP with no more context or history of the parties' evolutions.
And well, that may have finally broken Chrissy, who responded:
And well, that may have finally broken Chrissy, who responded:
John Legend tagged in to give their friend the unabridged version, which — to Kanye's credit — he also tweeted out:
As the education of Kanye continues, don't expect him to listen to the angels on his shoulders. He is getting deeper and deeper into right wing territory:

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