Jennifer Lopez has never been afraid to speak her mind and in the past few months has been one of the leading voices of the campaigns calling for equal rights and an end to the mistreatment of women.
Opening up in a recent interview with Billboard, J-Lo took her moment to talk about the #MeToo movement and how it’s not only an empowering time to be a woman, but an empowering time to raise a daughter.
According to the 48-year-old singer, it’s ‘a beautiful time for women.’
‘We are really finding our voices,’ she explained. ‘We are really coming out of the shadows and saying how we feel. [It’s about] knowing our worth and our value and making the opposite sex aware of our worth and our value.’
She continued: ‘It’s a groundbreaking thing that’s going on in the world right now. Of course, I always support women speaking up. I’m super-excited about the time we are living in right now — especially for my daughter.’