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The house has been in a state of chaos recently and that might be because of the fake nominations for eviction which the housemates aren’t even aware it is.
Big Brother apparently noticed the tension in the house and the fact that some of the housemates are not happy and he came up with a task.
The task is that the housemates should have a meeting and everyone should let it out. Everyone should voice out how they feel about every single housemate, no pairs or whatsoever.
Alex was one of the most confident. She faced Cee.C and made her understand that she is rude and she’s so confident about it.
Watch the video below

What do you guys think about this? Is Alex right?
In the same light, during the open talk task given to the housemates by Big Brother where every housemate was supposed to let the housemates know what they do not like about them, almost all the housemates complained about the drama king Bitto.
Some said he is too dramatic, others said it’s difficult to understand him while others said he behaves like a houseboy.
When it was Bitto turn to talk, he used biblical allusions to talk to Tobi and Cee.C. Bitto called Tobi ‘Samson’ and Cee.C, he called ‘Delilah’. It was so funny that it trended on Twitter yesterday.
Watch Bitto call Cee.C Princess Delilah below

Source – Gistreel

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